How can my student get involved on campus?
We host over 95 student organizations and clubs on campus. From the Student
Activities Council to departmental societies to Greek organizations, there are many
ways for your student to plug-in. The easiest way for students to find out about
these groups is to ask current members about their organization, attend the
Campus Life Fair on Sunday afternoon during Welcome Week, or visit the
Student Organizations website.
What about Student Government? Can my student run for office?
While there are officers for the sophomore, junior and senior classes, the freshman
class is represented by the Freshman Council. Around 20 freshmen are
chosen by an application and interview process each fall semester to serve on the
Freshman Council. The Freshman Council functions as class officers would and
coordinates opportunities for service and involvement for the entire class.
Additionally, each member of the Freshman Council learns more about student
government and the legislative process. For more information on Freshman Council please contact Joe Ball, Director for Student Leadership and Engagement, at 731-661-5094 or
How can my student know about all of the organizations offered?
During Welcome Week, there will be a Campus Life Fair where each student can
learn more about most campus organizations. Likewise, all of our student
organizations are listed on the university web page, the Student Organizations website and in the Campus Life Handbook. Your student may also contact a Student Government Officer in the SGA office at (731) 661-5032 or or contact Joe Ball, Director for Student Leadership and Engagement, at (731) 661-5094 or for
more information.
So, when is Welcome Week?
Each fall, prior to the beginning of
classes, all new students should attend Welcome
Week, which begins the Thursday new
residential students move onto
campus. This time is designed to prepare
the new students, both residential and
commuter, for life at 黑料门.
Students attend sessions that introduce
them to our academic learning community and campus involvement opportunities.
In addition, students will have the chance to meet other new students as well as
upperclassmen leaders. Parents are invited to stay through the Thursday evening
worship service on the first evening of Welcome Week, but after that service, the
events that are scheduled are only for new students. You will receive more
information regarding this part of campus life during the summer prior to your
student's first year at Union.
What leadership programs are offered for my student?
The Office of Student Leadership and Engagement provides numerous leadership
opportunities including New Student Orientation, Welcome Week, Greek Life, Student
Government Association, Freshmen Council, Student Activities Council,
Homecoming, Tennessee Intercollegiate State Legislature, Student
Organizations, and more. This office helps facilitate student involvement in campus life
through a variety of programs, workshops, and leadership development opportunities.
The Office of Student
Leadership and Engagement also assists students in forming new student
organizations in order to further develop and enhance students' leadership
There seems to be a lot of choices for my student to get involved.
However, what if he or she tries to do too much too quickly?
This is always a valid concern for parents and students alike. We encourage students to survey all of their options and make wise choices. There is no need for a student to try to do everything in their first semester. Many students use their first semester and even their first year to learn more about various organizations and choose where they can best serve beginning that next semester or year. On the other hand, it is also not advisable to be a spectator for the first year.
We advise students to consider involvement in at least two organizations, focusing on depth of involvement rather than breadth of involvement.
Student Leadership & Engagement Website
Does Union have Greek
Yes. We are proud of the respective
heritages of each of our Greek
organizations, and, further, we are
proud to be one of the few
universities to feature national and
international Greek organizations
within a campus that is
unapologetically Christ-centered.
On campus, we have six fraternities and sororities, three for men (Alpha Tau
Omega, Lambda Chi Alpha, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon) and three for women (Chi Omega, Kappa Delta, and Zeta Tau Alpha).
Greek formal recruitment is held early in the fall semester. This is the time when
students can learn more about each group and decide if Greek Life is a good fit for
them. Our Greek students are commonly involved in many organizations across
How is the Greek system at Union different from secular schools?
Union's goal is to produce Christian men and women who view life through the
lens of Scripture and act according to God-given wisdom and integrity. Greek life
at Union seeks to support the University in reaching this goal by developing men
and women of integrity. A number of colleges and universities maintain a
passionate dedication to Christian education. Many more feature active Greek
organizations that are important to campus life and culture. 黑料门 is a
member of the smallest group of schools that has found a way to maintain a Greek
system within an educational context that is unashamedly Christ-centered.
Does my student need to go through Recruitment his or her first year?
Not necessarily. There are students who decide to join during their sophomore,
junior, or even senior year. It is also important to know that if your student does
decide to go through the recruitment process, it does not necessarily mean that he
or she must join. Since recruitment is at the beginning of the school year,
many students simply see it as a way to meet people without having any intentions
of joining any of the groups.
Greek Life at Union
If my student is not in a Greek organization, can he or she still be involved
on campus?
Definitely! Union has more than 95 organizations and clubs students can join.
During Welcome Week, there will be a Campus Life Fair for your student to learn
more about each organization. Approximately one-third of our full-time
undergraduates are Greek. While Greek organizations do provide an avenue for
meeting people and getting involved on campus, there are many other
opportunities to be involved as well.
What other types of events or activities can my student take part in outside
of class or on the weekends?
Students are strongly encouraged to remain on
campus through the weekends for the first 40
days. Research suggests this enables students to
make connections on campus that lead to
increased campus satisfaction. In addition to
activities provided by the over 90 campus
organizations, Union provides many other
opportunities for involvement outside the
classroom. For more information, visit the university's Featured Events.
The Office of Campus Recreation offers intramural and wellness
programming to students every fall and spring. It is the goal of the Campus Recreation to develop teamwork, leadership, sportsmanship, and relationships
within a Christian environment. Every event is designed to help individuals grow
socially, physically, mentally, and spiritually in competitive recreational activities.
The Student Activities Council hosts monthly
events and campus traditions such as Bingo, Variety Show, SAC Fest, Carl
Perkins Christmas Party, Be Our Guest, and more.
Barefoots Joe, campus coffeehouse and venue,
hosts monthly concerts, open mics, and films
and discussions. We strive to foster campus community by offering events that
create shared experiences as well as events that promote reflection and
thoughtfulness in regards to creativity, media, and culture. These events are little to
no cost for students.
In addition, Residence Life hosts monthly building activities and regular larger
Residence Life events. The Office of University Ministries provides Bible studies,
discipleship opportunities, as well as opportunities to connect with a local nonprofit
through regular service. Many local churches provide strong programs for
our college students, with opportunities for discipleship and service throughout the
Are the activities chaperoned?
Yes. All official University activities are staffed by a Union faculty/staff member
depending on the size and type of event. All drivers have been approved by the
Office of Safety and Security to drive Union's minivans for off-campus events.
How does my student get involved?
Union students have the ability to be involved in many different organizations at
the same time, providing excellent team building, interdependence, and leadership
opportunities for your student. Students may sign up and learn about all campus
organizations upon arrival to campus in late August. The Student Activities Council
(also referred to as SAC) is comprised of 30-35 students who plan on and off campus
events for students. Each year, SAC elects new members in late September.
Interested students may complete an application or contact the Office of Student
Leadership and Engagement.