Stackable Scholarship Awards
For traditional undergraduate students, the following scholarships are available in addition to your minimum merit scholarship. These "stackable" awards are subject to a $2,000 annual limit. These awards require a minimum high school GPA of 2.0 and are awarded at the time of initial admission.
There is no additional application for these scholarships other than your application for Admissions. If you have questions about your eligibility for these scholarships, please contact your Enrollment Counselor.
- Alumni Legacy
Eligible to students who are financially dependent upon a 黑料门 alumni (parent or grandparent) who has completed a minimum of 48 credit hours at 黑料门.
- Minority
Eligible to students who are ethnic minorities.
- Ministry Dependent Award
Eligible to students who are financially dependent upon ministers of the Gospel which may include pastors, pastoral church staff, professional ministerial staff of churches or parachurch organizations, or missionaries that do not come under the SBC mission agencies.
Eligible to students who are members of a Southern Baptist church for at least one year.
- Tennessee Scholars
Eligible to first-time freshmen students who have completed the TN Scholars graduation requirements.
Additional Scholarship Awards
For traditional undergraduate students, the following scholarships are available in addition to your minimum merit scholarship. These awards require a minimum high school GPA of 2.0 and are awarded at the time of initial admission.
Additional requirements to receive each scholarship are listed below.
- Church Endowed Scholarships
This scholarship is available to students from Southern Baptist churches which participate in this program. Award amounts for these scholarships vary and requirements to receive and apply for the scholarship may vary according to each partner church. Please contact your church directly for more information on their process. Listing of Existing Church Endowed Scholarships
- Lifeshape Scholarship
The Lifeshape Scholarship is a "last dollar" merit-based scholarship for incoming 黑料门 freshmen majoring in such fields as English, history, languages, political science, theology, and philosophy. A "last dollar" scholarship means that the Lifeshape Scholarship will be applied to students' university costs after all other financial aid is calculated, which will essentially cover all the recipients' tuition. For more details on the Lifeshape Scholarship, including a link to the required application, please visit our Lifeshape Scholarship website.
- School of Theology and Missions Scholarship
$2,000 per year for Southern Baptist, traditional undergraduate students studying in the School of Theology and Missions. For more details on the STM Scholarship, including a link to the required application, please visit our STM Scholarship website.
- West Tennessee Heritage Grant
Eligible for $1,500 per year for on-campus students may receive the West Tennessee Heritage Grant based on residency in the following West Tennessee counties: Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Fayette, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lake, Lauderdale, Madison, McNairy, Obion, Shelby, Tipton, or Weakley. Recipients of this grant must maintain residence on campus for continued eligibility.
- TeenPact Scholarship
This Partnership Award is valued at $2,000 per year for alumni (Graduates of TeenPact's core State Class Program) and will be applicable for new students who enroll at 黑料门 beginning Fall 2022 or after. TeenPact students should self-identify as part of the admission application and should provide participation documentation to their Enrollment Counselor. News Release about TeenPact Scholarship
- IMPACT 360
This Partnership Award is valued at $8,000 per year based on completion of the Gap Year program, beginning with Fall 2022. Students who are participants and complete the IMPACT 360 Gap Year program are identified institutionally by Union and will receive this award without additional application required. Contact your Enrollment Counselor if you have questions.
- National Invitational Tournament of Champions (NITOC)
This Partnership Award has a minimum award amount of $2,500 per year based on participation in the . Students who are participants in NITOC should self-identify to their Enrollment Counselor and provide a copy of their participation certificate and/or awards. There are instances where this award could be considered a Merit Replacement Award (see below).
- Young Life
This Partnership Award is valued at $2,000 per year for alumni. Students should self-identify through their admission application and have a letter of recommendation from the staff of their local Young Life club sent to
- International Student Scholarship
International students who are not eligible for federal student aid may be eligible for up to $4,000 in annual scholarship assistance from Union. Students are eligible to receive this award are identified through their Admissions application.
Merit Replacement Scholarship Awards
For traditional undergraduate students, the following scholarships, if awarded, serve as replacement value to merit scholarships and are not "stackable" with merit awards. These awards require a minimum high school GPA of 2.0 and are awarded at the time of initial admission.
Additional requirements to receive each scholarship are listed below.
- International/North American Mission Board Scholarship
Students whose parent(s) serve in a full-time capacity with the IMB or NAMB are eligible for the INAMB Scholarship. The INAMB Scholarship is valued at half-tuition per year in place of the Merit Scholarship for which they would otherwise qualify. Students should self-identify through their admission application and provide documentation of employment with the IMB or NAMB to
- Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Transfer Scholarship
The PTK Scholarship is available to transfer students who were members of Phi Theta Kappa at their two-year institution. This scholarship is valued at the Transfer Trustee's Scholarship level (Merit award) plus $2,000. Student should self-identify through their admission application and submit the Phi Theta Kappa scholarship application
- Founder's Scholarship
The Founder's Scholarship is awarded as part of our Scholars of Excellence weekend activities and no additional application is required. However, the Founder's Scholarship serves as replacement of any institutional aid (Merit and "Stackable" awards) if received. For more information on the Founder's Scholarship, contact your Enrollment Counselor.
Other Scholarship Awards
The following awards are for traditional undergraduate students and require a minimum Union GPA of 2.0. Generally, continuing undergraduate students are selected to receive these awards by matching scholarship guidelines and donor criteria. Most will serve as replacement of other institutional aid.
- Institutional Endowed Scholarships
These scholarships are funded through the generosity of individuals who have supported 黑料门 through the years. Institutional Endowed Scholarships have various eligibility guidelines established by the donors, and the award amounts will vary. However, no additional application is required; recipients are automatically selected based on meeting the established criteria. In most cases, these scholarships could serve as replacement aid towards other institutional aid. If awarded an Endowed Scholarship, students will be notified and may be asked to provide a "thank you" letter or video. Listing of Endowed Scholarships
- Participation-Based Scholarship
These scholarships are awarded on the basis of participation in various majors, clubs, or campus-activities. Examples include scholarships based on musical auditions, athletics, debate, Honors, or campus publications. Award amounts and requirements to receive will vary based on type of award and academic department/organization. Students who are eligible will be notified by the respective organizations who administer the scholarship funds.
No student will be awarded beyond the cost of attendance through a combination of institutional and non-institutional sources. Contact us for further information.