黑料门 Faculty/Staff
- Abraham, Santhosh - Professor of Accounting, Business; Associate Dean, McAfee School of Business - sabraham@uu.edu - BAC 32 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5369
- Adams, Hope - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - hadams@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1814 - 731-661-5126
- Addo, Richard - Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy - raddo@uu.edu - PH 147 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5973
- Aden, Alex - Assistant Athletic Trainer, Athletics - aaden@uu.edu - FLD - Box 1920 - 731-661-5325
- Adkisson, Ivy Marie - Director for Campus Recreation, Student Life - iadkisson@uu.edu - PAC H-58 - Box 1811 - 731-661-5307
- Albanese, Matthew - Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, Theology & Missions - malbanese@uu.edu - JEN 329 - Box 1851 - 731-661-5207
- Aldridge, Steven Lane - Associate Director of Athletics, Sports Communications, Athletics - saldridg@uu.edu - PAC H38 - Box 1821 - 731-661-5027
- Alexander, David - Coordinator for Printing Services, University Services, Student Life - dalexander@uu.edu - SUB CS-25 - Box 1819 - 731-661-5254
- Alexander, Shayla - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - salexander@uu.edu - WH 254 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5381
- Alford, Joshua - Women's Soccer Head Coach, Athletics - jalford@uu.edu - FF - Box 3159 - 731-661-6590
- Allen, Jonathan - Director for Athletic Training Education, Clinical Coord., and Asst. Prof. of Athletic Training, Athletic Training Education - jmallen@uu.edu - PAC A-22A - Box 1879 - 731-661-5280
- Ammerman, Cathy - Professor of Nursing, Nursing - cammerman@uu.edu - WH 239 - Box 1801 - 731-661-6559
- Anderson, Frank - Director, Center for Racial Reconciliation; Stephen Olford Chair of Expository Preaching & Associate Professor of Ministry and Missions, Theology & Missions - fanderson@uu.edu - JEN 336 - Box 1866 - 731-661-5264
- Anderson, Vernetta - Coordinator, Center for Academic Success, Student Life - vanderson@uu.edu - PAC F50A - Box 1900 - 731-661-5976
- Atkins, Michele - Professor of Education, Education; Associate Provost and Title IX Coordinator, Administrative Office of the Provost - matkins@uu.edu - LOGOS 304 - Box 1804 - 731-661-5465
- Atkisson, Tabitha - Coordinator for Jackson Undergraduate Program, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - tatkisson@uu.edu - WH 242 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5156
- Austill, David - Visiting Professor of Business Law, Business - daustill@uu.edu - BAC - Box 1846 - 731-661-5239
- Avery, James R. - Associate Vice President for Information Technology, Information Technology - javery@uu.edu - PAC C-7B - Box 1809 - 731-661-5326
- Bachtell, Marlena - Campus Assistant, Hendersonville Campus - mbachtell@uu.edu - UUH - 615-447-2502
- Bailey, Christine - Professor of English and Director of Composition Support, Languages, Literature, and Writing - cbailey@uu.edu - PAC A42 - Box 1895 - 731-661-5900
- Baker, Makayla - Enrollment Counselor, Undergraduate Admissions - mbaker@uu.edu - SUB SA-28F - Box 0513 - 731-661-5008
- Ball, Joe - Executive Director for Student Discipleship and Engagement, Student Life - jball@uu.edu - SUB SA 50 - Box 1812 - 731-661-5094
- Barbour, Amber - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - abarbour@uu.edu - WH 253 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5524
- Barham, Suzanne - Academic Affairs and Accreditation Specialist, Administrative Office of the Provost - sbarham@uu.edu - LOGOS 318 - Box 1804 - 731-661-5378
- Barnard, Justin D. - Professor of Philosophy, Honors Community - jbarnard@uu.edu - PAC J-7B - Box 3023 - 731-661-5963
- Bates, David Keith - Chair and Professor of History, History - dkbates@uu.edu - PAC J-7C - Box 1903 - 731-661-5593
- Bauer, Rhonda - Assistant Professor of Choral Music Education and Director of Summer High School Music Camp, Music - rbauer@uu.edu - JEN 109 - Box 1896 - 731-661-5226
- Baylor, Jennifer - Cheerleading Head Coach, Athletics - jbaylor@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1821
- Beasley, Aaron - Associate Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing; Director, Writing Center, College of Arts & Sciences - abeasley@uu.edu - PAC G-8 - Box 3142 - 731-661-5928
- Beavers, Jay - Associate Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing - jbeavers@uu.edu - PAC A-47 - Box 1858 - 731-661-5436
- Beck, Sarah - Administrative Assistant, School of Adult & Professional Studies; Administrative Assistant, Graduate & Adult Admissions - sebeck@uu.edu - HH - 731-661-5024
- Bell, Bailey - Cross Country Head Coach, Athletics - bbell@uu.edu - SUB SA-28E - Box 1821 - 731-661-5325
- Benefield, Colby - Director, Student Financial Aid - cbenefield@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1800 - 731-661-5212
- Benefield, Mandy - Executive Assistant, Administrative Office of the President - mbenefield@uu.edu - LOGOS - Box 1804 - 731-661-5202
- Bennett, Lunawati L. - Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy - llbennett@uu.edu - PH 143 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5921
- Bernheisel, Jay - Professor of Engineering, Engineering - jbernhei@uu.edu - PAC B-6 - Box 1887 - 731-661-5550
- Binkley, Lynn - Assistant Director, Vocatio Center, Student Life - lbinkley@uu.edu - PAC A3B - Box 1820 - 731-661-5316
- Bitterling, Alexander - Enrollment Counselor, Undergraduate Admissions - abitterling@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1816 - 731-661-5005
- Bitterling, Nicholas - Transfer Coordinator and International Enrollment Counselor, Undergraduate Admissions - nbitterling@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1816 - 731-661-5007
- Bitterling, Zachary - Security Officer, Safety & Security, Student Life - zbitterling@uu.edu - PAC - 731-661-5018
- Blackburn, Kristen Goggin - Women's Volleyball Head Coach, Athletics - kblackburn@uu.edu - PAC H-49 - Box 1906 - 731-661-5451
- Blackburn, Sean - Women's Basketball Assistant Coach, Athletics - sblackburn@uu.edu - PAC H-47 - Box 3144 - 731-661-5575
- Blackwell, Kasey - Assistant Director for EDGE Employment, College of Education - kblackwell@uu.edu - BAC 63 - 731-661-5247
- Blair, Judith Ashley Fitch - Chair and Associate Professor of Communication Arts, Communication Arts; Director, Center for Faculty Development - ablair@uu.edu - JEN 309 - Box 3024 - 731-661-5453
- Blair, Christopher Allan - Professor of Communication Arts and Coordinator of DMS, Communication Arts; Interim Assistant Dean, College of Arts & Sciences - cblair@uu.edu - JEN 312 - Box 3024 - 731-661-5371
- Blakemore, Jerome - Professor of Social Work, Social Work - jblakemore@uu.edu - UUG 109B - 901-312-1955
- Blalack, Jinni Leigh - Chair and Associate Professor of Psychology, Psychology - jblalack@uu.edu - PAC C-25 - Box 1880 - 731-661-5395
- Blankenship, Valerie - Academic Center Administrative Coordinator, Academic Center - vblankenship@uu.edu - PAC F-12 - Box 1815 - 731-661-5370
- Blaschke, Jeremy - Associate Professor of Biology, Biology - jblaschke@uu.edu - WH 139 - 731-661-5678
- Blassl, Amanda - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - ablassl@uu.edu - UUH 211 - 615-447-2554
- Blevins, Sarah - Circulation Associate and Administrative Secretary, Library Services - sblevins@uu.edu - LOGOS 107 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5426
- Bloomingburg, Rachel - Circulation Manager, Library Services - rbloomingburg@uu.edu - LOGOS 142 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5418
- Bolyard, Mark - University Professor of Biology, Biology; Interim Dean, College of Arts & Sciences - mbolyard@uu.edu - WH 136 - Box 3021 - 731-661-6586
- Bolyard, Susan - Academic Secretary, MBA Program, McAfee School of Business - sbolyard@uu.edu - BAC 20 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5340
- Bowen, Robert - Professor of Biology, Biology - rbowen@uu.edu - WH 131 - Box 1823 - 731-661-5144
- Bowman, Matt - Graduate and Adult Admissions Counselor, Graduate & Adult Admissions - mbowman@uu.edu - HH 121 - Box 1888 - 731-661-5160
- Bradfield, Julie - Director for Student Discipleship and Engagement, Student Life - jbradfield@uu.edu - SUB RA-44 - Box 1812 - 731-661-5242
- Brake, Seth - Visiting Assistant Professor of Political Science & Director of Debate, Political Science - sbrake@uu.edu - PAC J-3 - Box 1839 - 731-661-5103
- Brewer, Kaylee - Evening Circulation Supervisor, Library Services - kbrewer@uu.edu - LOGOS 103 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5406
- Brinks, Belinda - Administrative Assistant for Business Affairs & Accounts Payable Specialist, Business Affairs - bbrinks@uu.edu - HH 102 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5206
- Brinks, Walter - Coordinator for Mailing Services, University Services, Student Life - wbrinks@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1819 - 731-661-6513
- Brookfield, Kristi - Academic Secretary, Communication Arts, College of Arts & Sciences - kbrookfield@uu.edu - JEN - Box 3024 - 731-661-5597
- Bryan, Katie - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - kbryan@uu.edu - UUH 213 - 615-447-2503
- Butler, Kyle - Professor of Education, Education - kabutler@uu.edu - BAC 66 - Box 3133 - 731-661-5985
- Byrd, Jennifer Smith - Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - jsbyrd@uu.edu - PH 132 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5642
- Caceres, Tamar - Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry - bcaceres@uu.edu - WH 333 - Box 0434 - 731-661-5167
- Camp, Austin - Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - acamp@uu.edu - PH 131 - Box 1802 - 731-661-6531
- Camp, Kathy P. - Accountant, Business Affairs - kcamp@uu.edu - HH 108 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5903
- Camp, Rachael - Assistant Professor of Communication Arts, Communication Arts - rcamp@uu.edu - JEN 307 - Box 3024 - 731-661-5287
- Campbell, Linda - Associate Professor of Educational Leadership and Director for the MEd, Instructional Leadership, Education; Assistant Dean, Germantown, College of Education - lcampbell@uu.edu - G-WB 109H - 901-312-1917
- Campbell, Mark E. - Director of Athletics & Women's Basketball Head Coach, Athletics - mcampbel@uu.edu - PAC H-47 - Box 3144 - 731-661-5344
- Canada, Cade - Assistant Athletic Trainer, Athletics - ccanada@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1920 - 731-661-5612
- Cannon, Samantha - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - scannon@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1814 - 731-661-5126
- Carbonell, John - Associate Vice President for Human Resources, Business Affairs - jcarbonell@uu.edu - HH 105 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5081
- Carbonell, Lanna - Union Station Associate, Business Affairs - lcarbonell@uu.edu - HH 128 - 731-661-5474
- Carrier, Bryan L. - Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students, Student Life - bcarrier@uu.edu - SUB SA-40 - Box 1806 - 731-661-5090
- Carter, Bonni - Receptionist, Student Financial Aid - bcarter@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1800 - 731-661-5015
- Carter, Mollie - Associate Professor of Psychology, Psychology - mdcarter@uu.edu - PAC D-12 - Box 1881 - 731-661-5389
- Castleman, Andrew - Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy - acastleman@uu.edu - PH 149 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5984
- Cates, Mandy - Assistant Professor of Education, Education; Director for Accreditation and Assessment, Educator Preparation Program - mcates@uu.edu - BAC 114 - Box 1904 - 731-661-5295
- Catlin, Mark - Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Director for MCS, Theology & Missions - mcatlin@uu.edu - UUG 105 - 901-312-1965
- Chance, Janna - Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing - jchance@uu.edu - PAC A-46 - Box 1919 - 731-661-5469
- Chapman, Melinda Y. - Payroll and Benefits Manager, Business Affairs - mchapman@uu.edu - HH 110 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5220
- Chenault, Amanda - Director of Campus Events, Undergraduate Admissions - achenault@uu.edu - SUB SA28J - Box 1816 - 731-661-5003
- Cherry, Nancy - Chair, Teaching & Learning; Prof. of Education; and Dir. for Master's Programs in Education, Jackson, Education; Associate Dean, College of Education - ncherry@uu.edu - BAC 65 - Box 3141 - 731-661-6567
- Chicantek, Jennifer - Medical Assistant/Health Records Coordinator, Health Services, Student Life - jchicantek@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1916 - 731-661-5284
- Choi, Esther - Associate Professor of Biology, Biology - echoi@uu.edu - WH 132 - Box 1923 - 731-661-5251
- Coetzee, Retha - Coordinator for Nurse Anesthesia Track, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - rcoetzee@uu.edu - WH 235 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5124
- Cole, Elmira - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - elcole@uu.edu - PAC D-4 - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Cole, Erica - End User Support Technician, IT, Germantown Campus - ecole@uu.edu - G-WB 213 - 901-312-1948
- Collins, Johnnie - Security Officer (Unarmed), Safety & Security, Student Life - jcollins@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1813 - 731-661-5018
- Conaway, Rita - Administrative Assistant to the Dean for the College of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy - rconaway@uu.edu - PH - Box 1802 - 731-661-5958
- Connor, Jamie - Assistant Registrar and Catalogue Editor, Academic Center - jconnor@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1815 - 731-661-5205
- Cook, Lindsey - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - lcook@uu.edu - WH 2xx - Box 1801 - 731-661-5095
- Cooper, Tony - Associate Professor of Worship Studies, Music; Director, Center for Worship - jcooper@uu.edu - JEN 106 - Box 3135 - 731-661-5228
- Courtner, Andrew - Chair, Educational Leadership; Assoc. Prof. of Education; Director of Ed.S. & Ed.D. Programs, Education; Associate Dean, College of Education; Director, Rosebrough Center for Educational Practice - acourtner@uu.edu - BAC 56 - Box 1876 - 731-661-5373
- Cox, Jason - Director for BSW Programs & Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - jcox@uu.edu - UUG 109F - Box 1868 - 901-312-1926
- Cox, Steven - Men's Soccer Head Coach, Athletics - scox@uu.edu - FLD - Box 3003 - 731-661-5533
- Crawford, Chelsy - Spiritual Direction Counselor, Counseling Services, Student Life - cjcrawford@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1916 - 731-661-5284
- Crawford, Jason - Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing - jmcrawford@uu.edu - PAC A40 - Box 3027 - 731-661-5901
- Creekmore, Brad - Associate Professor of Nursing, Nursing - bcreekmore@uu.edu - WH 238 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5902
- Crouse, Mary - Assistant Professor of Nurse Anesthesia, Nursing - macrouse@uu.edu - WH 237 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5422
- Culp, David J. - Associate Professor of Music, Music - dculp@uu.edu - JEN 115 - Box 3127 - 731-661-5231
- Curtis, Cody - Assistant Director of Residence Life/Residence Director, Student Life - ccurtis@uu.edu - BWLD 114 - Box 3131 - 731-661-5230
- Custer, Alfred J. - Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - acuster@uu.edu - PH 122 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5569
- Daniels, Nathan - Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy - ndaniels@uu.edu - PH 139 - Box 1802 - 731-661-6526
- Davignon, Phil - Chair and Associate Professor of Sociology, Sociology - pdavignon@uu.edu - PAC J-4 - Box 1850 - 731-661-6597
- Davis, Allison - Professor of Nursing, Nursing; Interim Dean and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Program, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - adavis@uu.edu - UUH 233 - 615-447-2534
- Davis, Christina - Associate Professor of Nursing & Chair for Education, Administration and Executive Leadership, Nursing - cldavis@uu.edu - WH 243 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5539
- Davis, Jimmy - O. P. Hammons Chair and Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry - jdavis@uu.edu - WH 331 - Box 3000 - 731-661-5461
- Dawson, Bryan - University Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics - bdawson@uu.edu - PAC C-57 - Box 1899 - 731-661-5268
- Day, MaryLawson - Counselor, Student Life - mlday@uu.edu - PAC F-19E - Box 1806 - 731-661-6511
- Dean, Don - Senior Director for Technology Operations, Information Technology - ddean@uu.edu - PAC B16 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5488
- Delk, Jennifer - Associate Professor of Nursing and Chair for Undergraduate Programs, Nursing - jdelk@uu.edu - WH 244 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5235
- DeLoach, Amanda - Administrative Assistant to the Dean, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - adeloach@uu.edu - WH - Box 1801 - 731-661-5029
- Dorris, Dana - Associate Professor of Nursing, Nursing - ddorris@uu.edu - UUH 206 - 615-447-2531
- Dotson, Karen - Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - kdotson@uu.edu - UUG 105B - Box 1868 - 901-312-1921
- Douglas, Shari - General Ledger Bookkeeper, Accounts Receivable Clerk, Business Affairs - sdouglas@uu.edu - HH 125 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5352
- Dubis, Mark - University Professor of Biblical Studies, Theology & Missions - mdubis@uu.edu - JEN 339 - Box 3132 - 731-661-5093
- Eads, Amy - Administrative Assistant & Coordinator for Student Life, Student Life - aeads@uu.edu - SUB SA-40 - Box 1806 - 731-661-5090
- Eads, Britt - Director, Facilities Management - beads@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-6540
- Eaton, Raymond H. - Broadcasting Technician, Communication Arts - reaton@uu.edu - JEN 305 - Box 3001 - 731-661-5931
- Elliott, Kelly - Assistant Professor of Physical Education, Physical Education, Wellness, and Sport - kelliott@uu.edu - PAC A-30 - Box 1890 - 731-661-5970
- Ellis, Kanisha - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - kellis@uu.edu - UUH 212 - 615-447-2508
- Ellsworth, Tim - Associate Vice President for University Communications, University Communications - tellswor@uu.edu - HH 219 - Box 1808 - 731-661-5215
- Emery, Brooke - Associate Professor of Marketing, Business; Dean, School of Adult & Professional Studies; Dean, Graduate & Adult Admissions - bemery@uu.edu - HH 210 - Box 1888 - 731-661-5506
- Enfinger, Tanya - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - tenfinger@uu.edu - PAC D-4 - Box 1814 - 731-661-5126
- Ergle, Jenna Raye - Softball Assistant Coach, Athletics - jergle@uu.edu - PAC - Box 3153 - 731-661-5141
- Evans, Sean - Chair and Professor of Political Science, Political Science - sevans@uu.edu - PAC J-1 - Box 1902 - 731-661-5237
- Evans, Sharon - Professor of Nursing, Nursing - sjevans@uu.edu - WH 261 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5949
- Fern, Micah - Associate Professor of Biology, Biology - mfern@uu.edu - WH 131 - Box 3128 - 731-661-6552
- Fikes, Timmy - Athletic Marketing and Promotions, Athletics - tfikes@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1821 - 731-661-5221
- Floyd, Jesse - Second Shift Officer (Armed), Safety & Security, Student Life - jfloyd@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1813 - 731-661-5018
- Foster, Sheilla - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - sfoster@uu.edu - WH 259 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5988
- Foster, Timothy - Director for Safety, Security, and Risk Mitigation, Student Life - tfoster@uu.edu - HH 113 - Box 1813 - 731-661-5134
- Foubert, John - Professor of Education, Education - jfoubert@uu.edu - BAC 61B - Box 1876 - 731-661-5467
- Frase, Gabrielle - Director for Graduate Programs, McAfee School of Business - gfrase@uu.edu - BAC - Box 1884 - 731-661-5360
- Gandy, James - Director for Creative Services, University Communications - jgandy@uu.edu - HH 209-A - Box 1808 - 731-661-5493
- Garrett, Mike - Director and Librarian, R.C. Ryan Center for Biblical Studies - mgarrett@uu.edu - JEN 341 - Box 2382 - 731-661-5082
- George, William - Director for Digital & Integrative Services, Information Technology - wgeorge@uu.edu - PAC D-16 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5424
- Giddens, Tina R. - Student Accounts Coordinator, Business Affairs - tgiddens@uu.edu - HH 126 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5299
- Glas, Brian - Chair and Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Computer Science - bglas@uu.edu - PAC C-46 - Box 1871 - 731-661-5324
- Glass, Veronica - Retention Coordinator and Academic Coach, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies - vglass@uu.edu - MCUTS 301E - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3111
- Glosson, Julie - University Professor of Language, Languages, Literature, and Writing - jglosson@uu.edu - PAC A-35 - Box 1869 - 731-661-5030
- Gonzalez, Esperanza - Director for Disability Services, Student Life - egonzalez@uu.edu - PAC F-39 - Box 1915 - 731-661-6520
- Gordon, Donald - Chemistry Stockroom Coordinator, College of Arts & Sciences - dgordon@uu.edu - WH 304 - Box 2370 - 731-661-5128
- Graves, Robert W. (Robbie) - Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions, Undergraduate Admissions - rgraves@uu.edu - SUB SA-26D - Box 1816 - 731-661-5590
- Gray, Amy C. - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - agray@uu.edu - UUG 214G - 901-312-1935
- Green, Brad - Professor of Theological Studies, Theology & Missions - bgreen@uu.edu - JEN 333 - Box 1926 - 731-661-5129
- Griffin, Daniel W. - Vice President for Enrollment Management, Administrative Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management - dgriffin@uu.edu - SUB SA-26C - Box 1816 - 731-661-5120
- Guilaran, Fonsie - Chair and Professor of Physics, Physics - fguilaran@uu.edu - PAC B-10 - Box 3015 - 731-661-5342
- Hail, Christopher J. - Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics - chail@uu.edu - PAC C-53 - Box 1836 - 731-661-5023
- Hailey, Laura - Academic Secretary for Biology and Chemistry and Biology Program Coordinator, College of Arts & Sciences - lhailey@uu.edu - WH 103 - Box 2372 - 731-661-5596/5750
- Hale, Michael Arthur - Manager for Client Services, Information Technology - mhale@uu.edu - PAC D-20 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5088
- Halford, Zachery - Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - zhalford@uu.edu - PH 130 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5630
- Hall, Cheryl B. - Administrative Assistant/BSW Program Coordinator, School of Social Work - chall@uu.edu - PAC A-30 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5554
- Halla, Steve R. - Associate Professor of Art, Art - shalla@uu.edu - PAC A-17 - Box 3008 - 731-661-6592
- Harbaugh, Jenna - Academic Secretary, Art, College of Arts & Sciences - jharbaugh@uu.edu - PAC 56A - Box 0872 - 731-661-5075
- Harden, Melissa - Graduate and Adult Admissions Counselor, Graduate & Adult Admissions - mharden@uu.edu - HH 119 - Box 1888 - 731-661-6542
- Harris, Cole - IT Support Technician, Information Technology - ctharris@uu.edu - PAC C-7 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5288
- Hart, Brittany - Director For Health Services/University Nurse Practitioner, Student Life - bhart@uu.edu - PAC 62-A - Box 1916 - 731-661-5940
- Hathcock, Karley - Communications Specialist, University Communications - khathcock@uu.edu - HH 221 - Box 1808 - 731-661-5543
- Hawley, Stephanie - Director for Institutional Effectiveness, Administrative Office of the Provost - shawley@uu.edu - LOGOS 304 - Box 1804 - 731-661-5302
- Hayes, Michael E. - Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry - mhayes@uu.edu - WH 329 - Box 1865 - 731-661-5263
- Haywood, Dalton - Enrollment Counselor, Undergraduate Admissions - dhaywood@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1816 - 731-661-5006
- Henrie, Sally - University Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry - shenrie@uu.edu - WH 327 - Box 3126 - 731-661-5111
- Herman, Gabriel - Help Desk Coordinator, Information Technology - gherman@uu.edu - PAC C-7 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5429
- Hetrick, Heather - Laboratory Specialist, Biology - hhetrick@uu.edu - G-WB 117 - 901-312-1910
- Hicks, Matthew - Coordinator for Grounds and Landscaping, Facilities Management - mhicks@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Hight, Lisa - Laboratory Specialist, Biology - lhight@uu.edu - WH 108D - Box 1913 - 731-661-5520
- Hollifield, Gregory Keith - Associate Dean for Assessment and Reporting, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies - ghollifield@uu.edu - MCUTS 303A - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3115
- Hollingsworth, Gailey - Assistant Residence Director, Women's Quads, Student Life - ghollingsworth@uu.edu - BWLD 1 - Box 0432 - 731-661-5433
- Holloway, Rebecca - Director for the EDGE Program, College of Education - rholloway@uu.edu - BAC G-2 - Box 1893 - 731-661-5382
- Holloway, Trenton - Assistant Director of Student Government and Greek Life, Student Discipleship and Engagement, Student Life - tholloway@uu.edu - SUB SA-42 - Box 1812 - 731-661-5244
- Holmes, Paige - Online Course Design Coordinator, School of Adult & Professional Studies - pholmes@uu.edu - UUH 116 - 615-447-2541
- Hopkins, Jillian - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - jneal@uu.edu - WH 5942 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5942
- Hopper, Susan H. - Registrar, Academic Center - shopper@uu.edu - PAC F-9 - Box 1815 - 731-661-5078
- Horton, Cynthia - Coordinator, Germantown Undergraduate Program, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - cdhorton@uu.edu - UUG 214A - 901-312-1901
- Housman, Allie - Human Resources Manager, Business Affairs - ahousman@uu.edu - HH 111 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5685
- Huelin, Scott - Director for the Honors Community, Honors Community; Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing - shuelin@uu.edu - PAC J-8 - Box 3010 - 731-661-5390
- Huelin, Tamarin - Director for Counseling Services, Student Life - thuelin@uu.edu - PAC F-19C - Box 1916 - 731-661-5923
- Huisingh, Leigh Anne - Assistant Data Coordinator, Undergraduate Admissions - lhuisingh@uu.edu - SUB SA-33C - Box 1816 - 731-661-5306
- Hunt, Gene - Housekeeping Supervisor, Facilities Management - ghunt@uu.edu - PAC D-4 - Box 1814 - 731-661-5126
- Hunter, Laura - Testing Administrator, Hendersonville Campus (Laura) - lhunter@uu.edu - UUH 234 - 615-447-2523
- Hurst, Aidan Brock - Coordinator for Facilities Management, Facilities Management - bhurst@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Infield, Marisa - Residence Director for the Heritage Complex, Student Life - minfield@uu.edu - HER - Box 0442
- Johnson, Arthur - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - ajohnson@uu.edu - PAC D-4 - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Johnson, Gary Ray - Chair and University Professor of Physical Education, Physical Education, Wellness, and Sport - gjohnson@uu.edu - PAC A-19 - Box 1898 - 731-661-5246
- Johnson, Teresa - Associate Professor of Nursing & Undergraduate Chair, Hendersonville, Nursing - tjohnson@uu.edu - UUH 207 - 615-447-2521
- Jones, Andre - Campus and Facilities Director, Germantown Campus - amjones@uu.edu - UUG 102 - 901-312-1940
- Jones, Ashley - Associate Professor of Nursing, Nursing - anjones@uu.edu - UUH 217 - 615-447-2535
- Jones, Christopher - Assistant Professor of History, History - cjones@uu.edu - PAC J-9H - Box 1908 - 731-661-5034
- Jones, Daniel - Baseball Assistant Coach, Athletics - djones@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1857
- Jones, Emerson - Men's Basketball Assistant Coach, Athletics - ejjones@uu.edu - PAC - Box 3129 - 731-661-5286
- Jones, Karen - Coordinator, University Ministries; Administrative Assistant, School of Theology & Missions - kejones@uu.edu - JEN - Box 3150 - 731-661-5987
- Jones, Kim Madewell - Dean, College of Pharmacy; Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - kjones@uu.edu - PH 111 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5983
- Jones, Luke - HVAC Specialist, Facilities Management - jljones@uu.edu - FACM FM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Jones, Wade Pearce - Security Officer, Student Life - wjones@uu.edu - PAC F19A - Box 1813 - 731-394-2922
- Joyner, Amy - Graduate and Adult Admissions Counselor, Graduate & Adult Admissions - ajoyner@uu.edu - HH 118 - 731-661-5028
- Joyner, Marcia - Coordinator for Educational Leadership Programs, Jackson, College of Education - mjoyner@uu.edu - BAC 57 - Box 1876 - 731-661-6554
- Kemp, Kayla - Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, Sociology - kkemp@uu.edu - PAC J-5 - Box 1833 - 731-661-5002
- Kennedy, Lauren - Director of Stewardship and Donor Relations, Development - lkennedy@uu.edu - HH 205 - Box 1817 - 731-661-6570
- Kennedy, Nathan - Associate Professor of Piano and Commercial Keyboard, Music - nkennedy@uu.edu - JEN 103 - Box 3126 - 731-661-5232
- Kerfoot, James R., Jr. - Co-Chair and Professor of Biology, Biology - jkerfoot@uu.edu - WH 137 - Box 3011 - 731-661-5926
- Key, Emily - Assistant Director for Student Engagement, Vocatio Center, Student Life - ekey@uu.edu - PAC A-3C - Box 1820 - 731-661-5993
- Kinchen, Charissa - Financial Aid Operations Specialist (Loans), Student Financial Aid - ckinchen@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1800 - 731-661-5407
- Kinchen, John - Chair, Director for Choral Activities, and Professor of Music, Music - jkinchen@uu.edu - JEN 101 - Box 3140 - 731-661-5311
- King, Katie - Administrative Assistant, McAfee School of Business - kmking@uu.edu - BAC 16 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5357
- King, Rhonda - Program Coordinator for the Educator Preparation Program, College of Education - rking@uu.edu - BAC 108 - 731-661-5391
- King, Sean R. - Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy; Director, Center for Interprofessional Education/Population Health and Rural Medicine - sking@uu.edu - PH 145 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5920
- Kluck, Ted - Associate Professor of Communication Arts, Communication Arts - tkluck@uu.edu - JEN 308 - Box 3024 - 731-661-5578
- Krebs, Joshua - Counselor, Counseling Services, Student Life - jkrebs@uu.edu - PAC F19C - Box 1916 - 731-661-6511
- Kuhl, David - Baptist Memorial Health Care Professor of Pharmacy, Pharmacy - dkuhl@uu.edu - PH 148 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5934
- Kwasigroh, Catherine - Vice President for Institutional Advancement, Administrative Office of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement - ckwasigroh@uu.edu - HH 203 - Box 1817 - 731-661-5281
- Lafferty, Ashley - Residence Director, Women's Quads, Student Life - alafferty@uu.edu - BWLD - Box 2075 - 731-661-5433
- Lafferty, Jonathan - Groundskeeper, Facilities Management - jlafferty@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Lambert, Kayla - Associate Professor of Nursing & Chair for Undergraduate Nursing - Germantown, Nursing - klambert@uu.edu - UUG 214E - 901-312-1922
- Lancaster, Scott - Multimedia Producer, University Communications - slancast@uu.edu - HH 222 - Box 1808 - 731-661-5974
- Langston, Anita - Associate Professor of Nursing, Nursing - alangston@uu.edu - G-WB 219-C - 901-312-1912
- Larson, Meghan - Director, Center for Just and Caring Communities; Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - mlarson@uu.edu - PAC A-32 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5564
- Lawrence, John Robert - Operations Supervisor/First Shift Supervisor (Unarmed), Safety & Security, Student Life - jlawrence@uu.edu - HH 114 - Box 1813 - 731-661-5151
- Lee, Angela - Professor of Art, Art - adlee@uu.edu - PAC Art - Box 3155 - 731-661-5292
- Legg, Roger - Electrician, Facilities Management - rlegg@uu.edu - FACM - 731-661-5450
- Leviticus, Susan - Laboratory Specialist, Biology; Campus Director, Hendersonville Campus - sleviticus@uu.edu - UUH 145 - 615-447-2528
- Lewis, Kenneth R. - Dean, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies; Professor of Pastoral Ministry, MCUTS Adult Programs - krlewis@uu.edu - MCUTS - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3120 or 3118
- Lewis, Michael - CRM & Business Solutions Administrator, Information Technology - mlewis@uu.edu - PAC C-7G - Box 1809 - 731-661-5505
- Libby, Michelle - University and Mailing Services Generalist, University Services, Student Life - mlibby@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1819 - 731-661-5290
- Lindsey-Goodrich, Kimberly A. - Director for Experiential and Interprofessional Education and Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - klindsey@uu.edu - PH 142 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5991
- Litscher, Ken - Dean of Student Life and Director for Residence Life, Student Life - klitscher@uu.edu - SUB SA-39 - Box 1803 - 731-661-5433
- Litscher, Renee - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - rlitscher@uu.edu - WH 250 - Box 1801 - 731-661-6563
- Lockett, James Marcus - Co-Chair, Professor of Biology and Director for Graduate Programs in Biology, Biology - mlockett@uu.edu - WH 133 - Box 1914 - 731-661-5960
- Lockett, Susan - Academic Secretary for Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science, College of Arts & Sciences - slockett@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1856 - 731-661-5270
- Long, Marina - Circulation Associate, Library Services - mlong@uu.edu - LOGOS 142 - 731-661-6579
- Lunsford, Matt - University Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics - mlunsford@uu.edu - PAC C-51 - Box 1832 - 731-661-5222
- Lydic, Trevor - Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance, Athletics - tlydic@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1821 - 731-661-5709
- Lynn, Elizabeth N. Curtis - Collection Development Coordinator, Library Services - blynn@uu.edu - LOGOS 203 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5416
- Maddox, Shane - System Administrator, Information Technology - smaddox@uu.edu - PAC B-17 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5657
- Madison, Andy - Professor of Biology, Biology - amadison@uu.edu - WH 108C - Box 3148 - 731-661-5127
- Madison, Beth - Associate Professor of Science, Adult & Professional Studies - bmadison@uu.edu - HH 214 - Box 1888 - 731-661-6577
- Magers, Connie L. - Senior Systems Analyst, Information Technology - cmagers@uu.edu - PAC C-7H - Box 1809 - 731-661-5327
- Malone, David - Chair and Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing - dmalone@uu.edu - PAC A-45 - Box 1863 - 731-661-5104
- Malone, DiAnne - Associate Dean, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies; Associate Professor, MCUTS Adult Programs - damalone@uu.edu - MCUTS 301C - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3119
- Malone, Victoria - Assistant Professor of Language, Languages, Literature, and Writing; Director for Study Abroad, Senior International Officer, Center for Intercultural Engagement - vmalone@uu.edu - PAC C-4C - Box 3158 - 731-661-5491
- Manner, Christopher K. - Professor of Economics, Business - cmanner@uu.edu - BAC 9 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5108
- Marberry, Cheryl - Nurse Practitioner, Health Services, Student Life - cmarberry@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1916 - 731-661-xxxx
- Martin, Andrew - Chair for Pharmacy Practice, College of Pharmacy; Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - acmartin@uu.edu - PH 113 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5990
- Martin, Hunter - Associate Vice President for Business Services/Controller, Business Affairs - hmartin@uu.edu - HH 106 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5410
- Martin, Karen - Discipline Coordinator and Professor of Language, Languages, Literature, and Writing - kmartin@uu.edu - PAC A-34 - Box 1886 - 731-661-5225
- Marvin, Eric - Professor of Education, Education - emarvin@uu.edu - UUH 149 - 615-447-2514
- Mathis, Melessia E. - Assistant Professor of Education, Education; Director for Clinical Experiences, College of Education - mmathis@uu.edu - BAC 117 - Box 1904 - 731-661-5484
- Mathis, Taylor - Assistant Dean for Student Services, College of Pharmacy; Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - tmathis@uu.edu - PH 109 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5910
- Matthews, Katrinna - Associate Dean, School of Social Work; Director for MSW Program & Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - kmatthews@uu.edu - UUG 107 - 901-312-1929
- Mayo, Bob - Assistant Professor of Recording Engineering and Music Technology, Music - bmayo@uu.edu - JEN 117 - Box 3137 - 731-661-5234
- Mayo, Teresa - Coordinator, Center for Academic Success, Student Life - tmayo@uu.edu - PAC f-62 - Box 1900 - 731-661-5068
- McClarn, Brittany - Security Officer and Campus Services Associate, Germantown Campus - bmcclarn@uu.edu - UUG 122 - 901-312-1936
- McCormack, Luke - Assistant Director, Undergraduate Admissions - lmccormack@uu.edu - SUB SA-28D - 731-661-5001
- McDowell, Mark - Assistant Professor of Commercial Music: Film Scoring & Media, Music - mmcdowell@uu.edu - JEN 119 - Box 1909 - 731-661-4023
- McGehee, Casey - Baseball Head Coach, Athletics - cmcgehee@uu.edu - FLD - Box 1857 - 731-661-5489
- McKee, Kara - Director for University Printing and Mailing Services, Student Life - klmckee@uu.edu - SUB CS-25 - Box 1819 - 731-661-5122
- McNichols, James Bryson - Data Analyst, Information Technology - bmcnichols@uu.edu - PAC D-27 - 731-661-6512
- Mercker, Holly - Administrative Assistant & Gift Processing Specialist, Development - hmercker@uu.edu - HH - Box 1817 - 731-661-5346
- Miller, Karen Coleman - James and Shirley Porter Endowed Chair, University Prof. of Accounting, and Accounting Disc. Coord., Business - kcmiller@uu.edu - BAC 31 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5056
- Milton, Mary - Residence Life Secretary, Student Life - mmilton@uu.edu - BWLD - Box 1803 - 731-661-5432
- Moody, Andrea - Coordinator for the Keystone Program, Student Life - amoody@uu.edu - PAC f60 - Box 1900 - 731-661-6523
- Moore, Cassie Paris - Secretary and Study Abroad Advisor, Center for Intercultural Engagement - cmoore@uu.edu - PAC c-4 - Box 3158 - 731-661-5059
- Moore, Joy E. - Assistant Director for the Honors Community, Honors Community - jmoore@uu.edu - PAC J7E - Box 3010 - 731-661-5285
- Moore, Melissa - Director for Library Services and University Professor of Library Services, Professional Librarians - mmoore@uu.edu - LOGOS 318 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5408
- Moore, Paige Ward - Assistant Professor of Art, Art - pmoore@uu.edu - PAC A54 - Box 3155 - 731-661-6576
- Morris, Stella - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - smorris@uu.edu - PAC D-4 - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Moss, George, III - Chair and Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics - gmoss@uu.edu - PAC C-58 - Box 3012 - 731-661-5338
- Mount, Stephen P - Systems Librarian, Professional Librarians - smount@uu.edu - LOGOS 331 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5419
- Mullins, Chasity - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - cmullins@uu.edu - UUH 209 - 615-447-2524
- Murila, Karis - Director for Barefoots Joe and Modero Coffee, Student Life - kmurila@uu.edu - PAC H-56A - Box 1925 - 731-661-5435
- Murphy, Bethany - Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - bmurphy@uu.edu - PH PH121 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5641
- Murphy, Megan - Assistant to the Provost & VPAA, Administrative Office of the Provost - mmurphy@uu.edu - LOGOS - Box 1804 - 731-661-5314
- Nadaskay, Chris - Chair and University Professor of Art, Art - cnadaska@uu.edu - PAC A 18 - Box 1873 - 731-661-5253
- Nethery, Meg - Laboratory Specialist, Biology - mnethery@uu.edu - WH 132 - Box 3138 - 731-661-5526
- Netland, John T. - University Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing - jnetland@uu.edu - PAC G7 - Box 1864 - 731-661-5355
- Netland, Olivia - Human Resources Assistant, Business Affairs - onetland@uu.edu - HH 101 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5466
- Newman, Cathy - Financial Aid Operations Specialist - Scholarships, Student Financial Aid - cnewman@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1800 - 731-661-5407
- Newman, Ken - Professor of Educational Leadership (Part-time), Education - knewman@uu.edu - BAC 55-A - Box 3133 - 731-661-5483
- Nicol, Duncan - Associate Professor of Marketing and Assurance of Learning Coordinator, Business - dnicol@uu.edu - BAC 8 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5364
- Nicol, Julie - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - jnicol@uu.edu - UUG 219B - 901-312-1951
- Niven, David B. - Men's Basketball Head Coach, Athletics - dniven@uu.edu - PAC H-43 - Box 3129 - 731-661-5132
- Oliver, Dub - President, Administrative Office of the President - doliver@uu.edu - LOGOS 344 - Box 1804 - 731-661-5180
- Oliver, J. Richard - End User Support Technician, Information Technology - roliver@uu.edu - PAC D-17 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5656
- Owrey, Amber Wessies - Instruction Librarian, Professional Librarians - aowrey@uu.edu - LOGOS 105 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5058
- Palmer, Jordan - Assistant Professor of Nurse Anesthesia & Assistant Chair, Nursing - jpalmer@uu.edu - WH 234 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5916
- Palmer, Ross - Assistant Professor of Nurse Anesthesia & Chair, Nursing - rpalmer@uu.edu - WH 234 - Box 1801 - 731-661-6557
- Patterson, Dawn - Academic Advisor and Testing Administrator, School of Adult & Professional Studies - dpatterson@uu.edu - HH 210 - Box 1888 - 731-661-5487
- Patterson, Savannah - Public Services Librarian and Associate Professor of Library Services, Professional Librarians - spatterson@uu.edu - LOGOS 106 - Box 5000 - 731-661-6544
- Patton, Tammy - Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - tpatton@uu.edu - PAC A-28 - Box 1868 - 731-661-6530
- Pavlovic, Marko - Assistant Professor of Special Education, Education - mpavlovic@uu.edu - BAC 53 - Box 3133 - 731-661-4333
- Pearce, Adren - Coordinator for Chapel and Church Relations, University Ministries - apearce@uu.edu - JEN 337 - Box 3150 - 731-661-6508
- Perez, Beto Jose - Painter, Facilities Management - bperezmonterroso@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Perry, Veronica - Director for the Vocatio Center for Life Calling and Career, Student Life - vperry@uu.edu - PAC A-3 - Box 1819 - 731-661-5255
- Phillips, Ben T. - Professor of Educational Leadership, Education - bphillip@uu.edu - BAC 56 - Box 3133 - 731-661-5507
- Phillips, Hayden - Assistant Director of Campus Ministry and Men's Discipleship, Student Discipleship and Engagement, Student Life - hphillips@uu.edu - SUB RA-53 - Box 1812 - 731-661-5304
- Phillips, Natalie - Union Station Manager and Student Accounts Coordinator, Business Affairs - nphillips@uu.edu - HH 127 - 731-661-5071
- Pingen, Betsy L. - Creative Director, The HUB - bpingen@uu.edu - PAC B4 - 731-661-5270
- Pingen, Georg - Professor of Engineering, Engineering; Director, The HUB - gpingen@uu.edu - PAC B 5 - Box 1874 - 731-661-5544
- Pippins, Stephanie - Academic Secretary, Music, College of Arts & Sciences - spippins@uu.edu - JEN 105 - Box 3140 - 731-661-5345
- Pittman, Megan - Associate Professor of Nursing, Nursing - mpittman@uu.edu - WH 252 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5148
- Polk, Christie - Counselor, Counseling Services, Student Life - cpolk@uu.edu - PAC F19E - 731-661-5284
- Poore, Geoffrey - Professor of Physics, Physics - gpoore@uu.edu - PAC B 9 - Box 3002 - 731-661-5047
- Poore, Gregory - Associate Professor of Philosophy, Apologetics, and Ethics, Theology & Missions - gspoore@uu.edu - JEN 342 - Box 1843 - 731-661-5995
- Popplewell, Tamara D. - Assistant Professor of Biology, Biology - tpopplewell@uu.edu - WH 106B - Box 1921 - 731-661-5259
- Powell, Luanne - Senior Program Director, School of Adult & Professional Studies - lpowell@uu.edu - HH 210B - Box 1888 - 731-661-5163
- Pugh, Ashley - Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy; Assistant Dean for Experiential Education, College of Pharmacy - apugh@uu.edu - PH 110 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5171
- Raines, Kim Harden - Assistant Registrar and Graduation Coordinator, Academic Center - kraines@uu.edu - PAC F12A - Box 1815 - 731-661-5238
- Rawls, Kate - Associate Professor of Music, Music - mrawls@uu.edu - JEN 102 - Box 3149 - 731-661-5229
- Rector, Shelby - 3D Shop Technician, Art, College of Arts & Sciences - srector@uu.edu - PAC - Box 0352 - 731-661-5470
- Renfrow, Michael - Director for Pharmacy Admissions and Recruitment, College of Pharmacy - mrenfrow@uu.edu - PH 120 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5979
- Rhodes, Micah - Cataloging Associate, Library Services - mjrhodes@uu.edu - LOGOS 208 - Box 5000 - 731-661-5067
- Richardson, Andrea - MSW Program Coordinator, School of Social Work - aerichardson@uu.edu - PAC A-33 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5388
- Richardson, Gavin - University Professor of English, Languages, Literature, and Writing - grichard@uu.edu - PAC A 43 - Box 1924 - 731-661-5317
- Riggs, Troy - Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics - triggs@uu.edu - PAC C-56 - Box 1831 - 731-661-5257
- Roberts, Stacey - Simulation Specialist, Hendersonville, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - smroberts@uu.edu - UUH - 615-447-2519
- Robinson, Jonathan - First Shift Armed Security Officer, Safety & Security, Student Life - jrobinson@uu.edu - PAC F-19-A - Box 1814 - 731-394-2922
- Robinson, Lindsey - Academic Secretary for Languages, Literature, and Writing, College of Arts & Sciences - lrobinson@uu.edu - PAC - Box 2373 - 731-661-5086
- Rogers, Bobby Caudle - Professor of English and Writer in Residence, Languages, Literature, and Writing - brogers@uu.edu - PAC A 39 - Box 3136 - 731-661-5107
- Rowland, Kelly - Financial Aid Specialist Operations - Grants, Student Financial Aid - krowland@uu.edu - SUB SA38 - Box 1800 - 731-661-5455
- Rowsey, April - Assistant Professor of Management, Business - arowsey@uu.edu - BAC 19 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5954
- Runions, Dylan - Assistant Residence Director, Residence Life, Student Life - drunions@uu.edu - SUB - Box 0795 - 731-661-xxxx
- Russ, Jeannette - Chair, Professor of Engineering, and Director for Accreditation, Engineering - jruss@uu.edu - PAC B-3 - Box 1856 - 731-661-5542
- Rutherford, Elizabeth A. - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - arutherford@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1813 - 731-661-5126
- Salazar, Michael R. - Chair and Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry - msalazar@uu.edu - WH 337 - Box 1829 - 731-661-5260
- Schiebout, Michael - Professor of Biology, Biology - mschiebout@uu.edu - WH 135 - Box 1870 - 731-661-6599
- Schmidt, Chelsea - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - cschmidt@uu.edu - WH 234 - Box 1801 - 731-661-6588
- Schultz, Elli - Director for Marketing, University Communications - eschultz@uu.edu - HH 222 - Box 1808 - 731-661-5320
- Schwindt, Randal S. - Professor of Engineering, Engineering - rschwind@uu.edu - PAC B 2 - Box 1845 - 731-661-5594
- Schwindt, Virginia - Director of Field Education & Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - vschwindt@uu.edu - PAC A-27 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5701
- Scott, Abby - Office Manager/Administrative Assistant, Administrative Office of the Vice President for Enrollment Management - ascott@uu.edu - PAC us - Box 1816 - 731-661-6578
- Seaton, Brad Alan - Director for Infrastructure Services, Information Technology - bseaton@uu.edu - PAC C1-A - Box 1809 - 731-661-5428
- Shanks, Dallas Andrew - Security Officer (Unarmed), Safety & Security, Student Life - dshanks@uu.edu - PAC F 19-A - Box 1813 - 731-661-5018
- Shatzer, Jacob - Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, Administrative Office of the Provost; Associate Professor of Theological Studies, Theology & Missions - jshatzer@uu.edu - LOGOS 318 - Box 1804 - 731-661-5269
- Sheffield, Jennifer - Director of Simulation & IPE and Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - jsheffield@uu.edu - PH - Box 0420 - 731-661-5519
- Sheridan, Keaghlan - Director of Alumni Relations, Alumni Services - ksheridan@uu.edu - HH - Box 1817 - 731-661-5703
- Short, Ezra - General Maintenance Technician, Facilities Management - eshort@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Sierra, Danielle - Assistant Professor of Art, Art - dsierra@uu.edu - PAC - Box 3155 - 731-661-xxxx
- Simmons, Joshua David - Director for User Engagement & Experience, Information Technology - jsimmons@uu.edu - PAC D-21 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5941
- Slater, Daniel J. - Professor of Management, Business; Dean, McAfee School of Business - dslater@uu.edu - BAC 16A - Box 1884 - 731-661-5334
- Slater, Erin - Director, Center for Academic Success, Student Life - eslater@uu.edu - PAC F58 - Box 1900 - 731-661-6510
- Smith, Robert Michael - Senior Systems Analyst, Information Technology - msmith@uu.edu - PAC D-29 - Box 1809 - 731-661-5330
- Smith, Tim - Asst. Professor of Commercial Music Performance and Technology & Coordinator for Commerical Music, Music - timsmith@uu.edu - JEN 104 - Box 3156 - 731-661-5545
- Smith, Virginia - Nurse Practitioner, Health Services, Student Life - vsmith@uu.edu - PAC F62A - Box 1916 - 731-661-xxxx
- Snow, Jeffrey - Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - jsnow@uu.edu - PH 140 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5989
- Snuffin, Natalie - Coordinator for Experiential and Continuing Education, College of Pharmacy - nsnuffin@uu.edu - PH - Box 1802 - 731-661-5321
- Stanfield, Todd - Dean, School of Social Work; Professor of Social Work, Social Work - tstanfie@uu.edu - PAC A-31 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5968
- Stephens, Mark - Associate Dean for Academic Administration, College of Pharmacy; Professor of Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacy - mstephen@uu.edu - PH 112 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5975
- Stepp, Lori - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - lmstepp@uu.edu - UUG 214B - 901-312-1924
- Stewart, Cindy - Secretary, Safety & Security, Student Life - cbstewart@uu.edu - SUB SA60 - Box 1813 - 731-661-5018
- Stockdale, Mitchell - Associate Director, Student Financial Aid - mstockdale@uu.edu - SUB - Box 1800 - 731-661-6582
- Stookey, Kelsey H. - Assistant Director for Student Experience and Activities, Student Discipleship & Engagement, Student Life - kstookey@uu.edu - SUB RA55 - Box 1812 - 731-661-6565
- Strandquist, Jason - Associate Professor of History, History - jstrandquist@uu.edu - PAC J-9G - Box 1875 - 731-661-5262
- Sturner, Sydney - Softball Head Coach, Athletics - ssturner@uu.edu - PAC F-75 - Box 3153 - 731-661-5289
- Stutts, Amanda - Simulation Specialist, Jackson, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - aastutts@uu.edu - PH - Box 1801 - 731-661-xxxx
- Stutts, Andrew - Academic Technology Services Coordinator, Information Technology - astutts@uu.edu - PAC B-17 - Box 1809 - 731-661-6556
- Sumner, Christopher - Graduate and Adult Admissions Counselor, Graduate & Adult Admissions - csumner@uu.edu - HH 120 - Box 1888 - 731-661-5611
- Talbott, Robert - Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Computer Science - rtalbott@uu.edu - PAC c47 - Box 1897 - 731-661-6521
- Talley, Haley - Assistant to the Registrar, Academic Center - htalley@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1815 - 731-661-5305
- Taphorn, Rick - Vice President for Business Affairs, Administrative Office of the Vice President for Business Affairs - rtaphorn@uu.edu - HH 103 - Box 1805 - 731-661-5190
- Tatum, Christie - Administrative Assistant to the Dean, College of Education - ctatum@uu.edu - BAC 59 - Box 1876 - 731-661-5374
- Taylor, Annette - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - ataylor@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1814 - 731-661-5126
- Taylor, Kristin - Coordinator of Student Services, College of Pharmacy - ktaylor@uu.edu - PH - Box 1802 - 731-661-6509
- Taylor, Reginald - Director for Urban Theological Studies, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies; Assistant Professor, MCUTS Adult Programs - rdtaylor@uu.edu - MCUTS 304D - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3114
- Teague, Audra - Coordinator for CAS Programs, Student Life - ateague@uu.edu - PAC F-62 - Box 1900 - 731-661-5049
- Teel, Connie - Director for Enrollment Operations, Undergraduate Admissions - cteel@uu.edu - SUB SA28D - Box 1816 - 731-661-5576
- Thatcher, Colton - Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Computer Science - cthatcher@uu.edu - PAC C-59 - Box 1859 - 731-661-5267
- Thierfelder, William - Associate Professor of Biology, Biology; Director, Edward P. Hammons Center for Scientific Studies - wthierfelder@uu.edu - WH 112B - Box 3025 - 731-661-5252
- Thomas, David C. - University Professor of History, History - dthomas@uu.edu - PAC J-9A - Box 3130 - 731-661-5261
- Thomas, Fran - Assistant Director for Campus Ministry and Women鈥檚 Discipleship, Student Discipleship and Engagement, Student Life - fthomas@uu.edu - SUB RA-52 - Box 1812 - 731-661-5062
- Thomas, Teresa N. - Secretary, Athletics - tthomas@uu.edu - PAC H-3 - Box 1821 - 731-661-5325
- Thompson, April - Assistant Professor of Nursing, Nursing - athompson@uu.edu - UUG 214F - 901-312-1934
- Tobler, Anna - Academic Secretary for HIS/PSC/PSY/SOC, College of Arts & Sciences; Program Coordinator, Honors Community - atobler@uu.edu - PAC J7 - Box 3010 - 731-661-5131
- Todd, Anita Pryor - Associate Registrar, Academic Center - atodd@uu.edu - PAC F-10 - Box 1815 - 731-661-5354
- Townsend, Stephanie - Graduate and Adult Admissions Counselor, Graduate & Adult Admissions - stownsend@uu.edu - UUG 109E - Box 1888 - 901-312-1945
- Townsend, Valerie - Assistant Professor of Accounting, Business; Assistant Dean, McAfee School of Business - vtownsend@uu.edu - BAC 29 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5361
- Tracy, Michael Camden - Web Development Agent, University Communications - ctracy@uu.edu - HH 216 - Box 1808 - 731-661-5502
- Trent, Colene - Professor of Economics, Business; Director of Events, McAfee School of Business - ctrent@uu.edu - BAC 4 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5471
- Tritt, Teresa - Associate Professor of Education, Education; Dean, College of Education - ttritt@uu.edu - BAC 116 - Box 1904 - 731-661-5383
- Van, Don - Professor of Engineering, Engineering - dvan@uu.edu - PAC B-7 - Box 1855 - 731-661-5534
- Van Nes, Naomi - Graduate and Adult Admissions Counselor, Graduate & Adult Admissions - nvannes@uu.edu - HH 122 - Box 1888 - 731-661-5341
- Van Neste, Ray - Dean, School of Theology & Missions; Professor of Biblical Studies, Theology & Missions; Vice President, University Ministries - rvannest@uu.edu - JEN 326 - Box 3150 - 731-661-5532
- Vaughan, Caroline - Graphic Design Specialist, University Communications - cvaughan@uu.edu - HH 209C - Box 1808 - 731-661-5272
- Vaughan, Jason A. - Director of Development, Development - jvaughan@uu.edu - HH 204 - Box 1817 - 731-661-5162
- Veltman, Joshua - Professor of Music, Music - jveltman@uu.edu - JEN 116 - Box 3154 - 731-661-5227
- Vinson, Jensen - Special Events Manager, Business Affairs - jvinson@uu.edu - GRNT - Box 2383 - 731-661-5405
- Von Dollen, Breanna - Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Chemistry - bvondollen@uu.edu - WH 327 - Box 1907 - 731-661-5111
- Wainscott, Anna - Special Projects Coordinator, Development - awainscott@uu.edu - HH - Box 1817 - 731-661-5115
- Wainscott, M. Justin - Associate Dean, University Ministries; Associate Dean, School of Theology & Missions; Assistant Professor of Ministry, Theology & Missions - jwainscott@uu.edu - JEN 328 - Box 1892 - 731-661-5271
- Walden, Luke - Instructor of Psychology, Psychology - lwalden@uu.edu - PAC C-26 - Box 1878 - 731-661-5398
- Walton, Tre - Men's Basketball Assistant Coach, Athletics - twalton@uu.edu - PAC - Box 3129 - 731-661-5286
- Wamble, Robert A - Laboratory Specialist, Director for Anatomical Services and Director for Plastination, Biology - rwamble@uu.edu - WH 258 - Box 1801 - 731-661-6518
- Wang, Guan Jun - Professor of Finance, Business - jwang@uu.edu - BAC - Box 1884 - 731-661-xxxx
- Ward, David A. - Professor of Physics, Physics - dward@uu.edu - PAC B-10 - Box 3022 - 731-661-5241
- Watkins, Blake - Chair and Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharmacy - bwatkins@uu.edu - PH 126 - Box 1802 - 731-661-5937
- Watkins, Joy - Coordinator for Graduate Programs, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - jwatkins@uu.edu - WH 266 - Box 1801 - 731-661-5929
- Weiser, Michelle - Simulation Specialist - Germantown, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - mweiser@uu.edu - UUG 219D - 901-312-1914
- Wells, Jill - Associate Professor of Social Work, Social Work - jwells@uu.edu - PAC A-26 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5553
- Westbrook, Kevin - Professor of Marketing, Business - kwestbro@uu.edu - G-WB 115E - Box UUG - 901-312-1953
- Wherry, Shari - Professor of Nursing, Nursing; Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - swherry@uu.edu - HEND 230 - 615-447-2533
- Whitaker, Rebekah - Associate Professor of Communication Arts & Assistant Director for Debate, Communication Arts - rwhitaker@uu.edu - JEN 313 - Box 3024 - 731-661-5961
- White, Jenny Brooks - Communications Specialist, University Communications - jwhite@uu.edu - HH 220 - Box 1808 - 731-661-5211
- White, Juliana - Assistant Director for Student Support, EDGE Program, College of Education - jjwhite@uu.edu - BAC 64 - Box 0400 - 731-661-5586
- Whitnell, Pam - International Student Officer, Center for Intercultural Engagement - pwhitnell@uu.edu - PAC H40 - Box 3018 - 731-661-5904
- Williams, Paul - Assistant Housekeeping Supervisor - Second Shift, Facilities Management - pwilliams@uu.edu - PAC - Box 1814 - 731-661-5126
- Williams, Stacia - Special Projects Coordinator, Development - smwilliams@uu.edu - HH - Box 1817 - 731-661-5546
- Williams, Steve - Enrollment Counselor, Undergraduate Admissions - stwilliams@uu.edu - SUB SA-28E - Box 1816 - 731-661-5009
- Wilson, Elizabeth E. - Professor of Social Work, Social Work - ewilson@uu.edu - PAC A-29 - Box 1868 - 731-661-5933
- Wilson, Jennifer - Hendersonville UG Coordinator, College of Nursing & Health Sciences - jlwilson@uu.edu - UUH - 615-447-2532
- Womack, Angela - Housekeeper, Facilities Management - awomack@uu.edu - PAC D-4 - Box 1814 - 731-661-5126
- Wooley, Steven - General Maintenance Technician, Facilities Management - swooley@uu.edu - FACM - Box 1814 - 731-661-5450
- Wyatt, Christy - Program Coordinator, M.A.Ed./M.Ed., College of Education - cwyatt@uu.edu - BAC 51A - Box 1876 - 731-661-5523
- Wyatt, Harvey - Security Officer, Safety & Security, Student Life - hwyatt@uu.edu - PAC - 731-661-5018
- Xu, Joseph - Associate Professor of Marketing, Business - jxu@uu.edu - BAC 18 - Box 1884 - 731-661-5490
- Yancey, Vickie Clark - Analyst for Academic Affairs, Administrative Office of the Provost - vyancey@uu.edu - LOGOS 304 - Box 1804 - 731-661-5203
- Yeaglin, Katie - Administrative Assistant to the Dean, College of Arts & Sciences - kyeaglin@uu.edu - PAC F80 - Box 1810 - 731-661-5356
- Young, Christian - Men's Soccer Assistant Coach, Athletics - cyoung@uu.edu - PAC - Box 3003 - 731-661-6589
- Young, Marsha - Financial Aid and Student Debt Coordinator, Memphis College of Urban and Theological Studies - myoung@uu.edu - MCUTS 302B - 901-324-2014, Ext. 3105
- Zamamiri-Davis, Faith - Associate Professor of Biology, Biology - fzamamiri-davis@uu.edu - G-WB 215 - 901-312-1905